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2014年12月09日 03:24人气:903 来源: 安微正华生物仪器设备有限公司 >> 进入该公司展台

6. 黑白箱实验(light dark box)

  The subject is placed in the dark portion of the box for a set period of acclimation time.  At the end of this period, a door separating the two compartments is opened.  The amount of time that the subject takes to emerge fully from the enclosed area into the open area is measured.



7. 社交行为实验(social interaction)

  The subject is habituated to the test chamber and allowed to freely explore for a set time.   A novel animal is placed in one of the two enclosures, and the percentage of time the mouse spends in the section with the novel animal is compared to the time spent in the section with the empty enclosure.   In a later session, the time spent with the same animal might be compared to time spent with a newer, more novel animal.



8. 条件性位置偏爱(Conditioned Place Preference)

   条件性位置偏爱实验(Conditioned Place Preference, CPP)实验是目前评价药物精神依赖性的经典实验模型,也是广泛应用于寻找抗觅药行为的有效工具。该实验将实验动物(大鼠、小鼠)置于条件性位置偏爱箱的白色观察区,并给予精神依赖性药物(例如*),然后观察实验动物在条件性位置偏爱箱的黑色区和白色区的活动情况,白色区、黑色区以及其中的灰色 区之间有小门可供动物自由穿梭。动物每次处于给药区就会在药物奖赏性效应的作用下对黑色和白色区域产生位置上的偏好,其程度与药物的精神依赖性相关。

9.   悬尾


10. 条件性恐惧实验(fear conditioning)


11. 震惊条件反射(startle and pre-pulse inhibition)


Pre-Pulse Inhibition

In Pre-Pulse Inhibition (PPI), the startle stimulus is paired with a predictive cue. In normal subjects, the "pre-pulse" cue reduces the startle amplitude.  This inhibition of the startle response is known as PPI.  Humans and animal models of several disease states are known to have pre-pulse inhibition deficits, including schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, and PTSD.

Fear-Potentiated Startle

In Fear-Potentiated Startle, the subjects are trained to associate a neutral stimulus, such as a light cue, with an aversive stimulus.  When the startle response is tested in the presence of the light cue, the startle amplitude should be potentiated, or increased.

      12.新颖物体识别(novel object recognition)

      The subject is habituated to the test chamber and allowed to freely explore for a set time.   A novel object is placed in one of the two enclosures, and the percentage of time the mouse spends in the section with the new object is compared to the time spent in the section with the empty enclosure.   In a later session, the time spent with the same object might be compared to time spent with a newer, more novel object.



(本文来源: 安微正华生物仪器设备有限公司 ,转载请注明出处

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