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Model CXCH-3000

2014年12月02日 14:54人气:927 来源: 姜堰市国创分析仪器有限公司 >> 进入该公司展台

Model CXCH-3000  better than the national standard GB/T476-2008《Coal Determine of carbon and hydrogen power - Weight method》. The instrument measures hydrogen by Coulometry, measures carbon by weight method. Operation and processing data by computer, so the accuracy and the precision are conformed to the national standards. The instrument used to determine the coal and other solid materials, organic and inorganic carbon and hydrogen content, is suitable for China's coal quality analysis equipment. Instrument can be analyzed using special sample a variety of methods, immediay saves the data, historical data loaded.

(本文来源: 泰州市国创分析仪器有限公司 ,转载请注明出处

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