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点击次数:205 发布时间:2014-12-13

Electromagnetic shaker random vibration testing and vibration failure mode


Vibration products encountered in transport and in practical use, the vast majority of random vibration. For example, vibration spacecraft during launch and boost phase; vibration noise and rocket engine noise cause; aircraft (especially high-speed aircraft) the vibration of large jet engines; vibration of aircraft noise the aircraft structure vibration and atmospheric turbulence so that the wing produces vibration of aircraft landing and taxiing; the vibration of vehicle; driving on uneven road when changing the ship generated waves; vibration etc., all belong to the random vibration. Therefore, an electromagnetic shaker random vibration test can more truly reflect the anti vibration performance of the product.


Compared with the sinusoidal vibration, frequency domain random vibration test machine is wide, and there is a continuous spectrum, it can at the same time in the frequency of excitation, the interaction of various frequency than the sine vibration influence only on certain frequencies or continuous sweep frequency analog the vibration, more real, more severe more effective. In addition, the transfer function and dynamic characteristics of the structure of the product to use the random vibration of the sine vibration than method is more simple and superior.


Random and sinusoidal vibrations can cause wires friction, loose fasteners, stuck, thus destroying the connection, installation and fixation of the product. When the random vibration caused by stress is too large, will make the structure crack and fracture, especially in the resonance state is more significant. Random vibration of long time, accumulated damage due to alternating stress produced, make the structure fatigue damage. Random vibration will result in bad contact, electrical components are in contact or short circuit, the solder joint disengagement, wire breaking, and strong noise, which affects the normal work of product, make the product performance, failure or failure.


Random vibration test machine description: in random vibration test, because the particle electromagnetic vibration is in motion and irregular, never accuray repeat, a series of measurements were carried out on it, each record is not the same, so there is no fixed period. At any given moment, its amplitude, frequency, phase is not known in advance, so will not be a simple combination of periodic function and function to describe.


Stochastic process: according to the power spectrum density spectrum shape, namely according to the frequency of random process, random vibration of the scene of the main products have the following form. Random vibration test machine broadband refers to the vibration energy distribution in a wide frequency range of vibration, the general vehicles, especially the air vehicles, such as jet aircraft, vibration the belongs to the broadband random vibration.


Narrow band random vibration is vibration energy distribution in a narrow frequency range of vibration, such as propeller aircraft, due to the rotating pressure driven propeller blade rotation field will have a narrow band random vibration, narrow band with center frequency L is fir propeller blade passing frequency and its harmonics (typically 4 to order), the narrow bandwidth of the frequency (frequency) and the harmonic 5% (drift). Broadband and narrowband random vibration in addition to narrow band random vibration, more important is the broadband random vibration caused by various sources. Such as the installation of the swollen with vehicles and by afternoon: track transportation products, often subjected to random vibration to broadband based + narrowband. The basic motion, broadband random vibration from the vehicle's supporting system, uneven pavement. Narrow band random vibration from the track on the ground motion.


Broadband vibration band random vibration and random vibration and oscillation cycle refers to the superposition of sine vibration in broadband random vibration, the helicopter vibration are sinusoidal vibration superposition is improve in sign based broadband random vibration. Various sources of broad-band random vibration test machine from the helicopter, sinusoidal vibration is generated by the rotating components of helicopter, such as the main rotor, tail rotor vibration, the engine and transmission. The new national standard and IEC standard, the wideband and narrowband random vibration and random vibration and periodic vibration, called hybrid excitation. In the mixed excitation vibration, random component by acceleration spectral density representation, expressed by the acceleration amplitude of sinusoidal components.

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